
As part of my final research project for school, i had to do a survey with SMEs in my town and had a couple of face to face interviews with business people. I am not so sure what one of the survey participants was thinking when he asked me why i was doing a degree at my age, (lol the interview tables had turned, interviewer had turned interviewee!) Ohhkay, how old did he think i was? Of course I’m not twenty-one anymore but hey i never thought there was anything wrong with someone my age doing a degree. In my home language we have a saying ”Kudziidza hakuperi”. Taken both literally and figuratively, learning doesn’t end! whether its formal or not.

When the survey participant asked that question, it did not sound too bad at that particular moment, the worst was only that it was totally unexpected. Those were not the questions i had prepared for, i was prepared to explain the technical jargon in my questionnaire. The more i think about it now, the more absurd it rings in my ears. Was it necessary for him to ask why at my age i was doing degree, i don’t think so, did i give him a satisfactory answer, well, i will I’m not sure but what i know now is that i have a dozen answers which i think he should have heard. You have to forgive me as well, i had to be nice, isn’t he had agreed to participate in my survey and given me 10minutes of his precious time? 🙂

Perceptions! This has become my conclusion to the matter. To me life is about perceptions. Our opinions are shaped by our perceptions. Maybe this man asked me the question because he has certain perceptions shaped in his mind of what a university student should look like- young, unmarried etc. In turn i also answered him according to my perceptions of myself- someone who grabbed an opportunity when it came! I believe there are no templates in life which you pick and frame your life in. You can try but life happens and in as much as there are stereotypes and expectations at the end of the day you can be who you choose to be.

I am a proud mum of 3 beautiful children who is concluding her first degree, yeah, that’s right, i have had detours and turns along the way but the lessons and experiences are to cherish. To quote Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – ” Experience will serve you in ways you cannot expect..” I choose to live life not on what could have been but am grateful even for the opportunities that have come later! I choose to see life in the positive light because the negative light of what should have or could have suffocates the life that i should be enjoying right now! I choose to have positive perceptions about where i have come from, where i am and where i want to be! Am i ranting ? lol maybe a little

Yours mumInIT 🙂


IT Support tech for largest cooking oil manufacturer in Harare Zimbabwe

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